Utility bill hikes to hit Manchester accounting hardest

Published on September 1, 2015 by Crawfords Accounting

Regular outgoings such as rent payments, mortgages and utility bills are a fundamental consideration in the accounting Manchester residents and businesses carry out month by month.

But with several tariffs about to come to an end, the city’s billpayers are predicted to be the worst hit in the country by the resultant hike in charges.

Figures compiled by GoCompare show the impact of nine fixed tariffs that are due to end on August 31st.

The worst effect is expected to be on First Utility customers in the Norweb region, which covers Manchester, whose annual energy bills could rise by a typical £317.76 – a 24.29% increase.

Caroline Lloyd, energy spokesperson for GoCompare, said: “For a number of years now, fixed tariffs … have proved popular, due undoubtedly to the fact that they have tended to be the most competitively priced deals.

“However, fixed tariffs expire, and when they do, customers who have them are transferred on to their providers’ standard tariffs, unless they proactively switch to another tariff or supplier.”

For residents and business across Manchester, accountants can help to determine the impact of any change in tariffs – and how to benefit from switching to a preferable rate elsewhere.

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