Technology may transform accounting for doctors

Published on August 28, 2014 by Crawfords Accounting

Accounting for doctors is likely to become more complicated in the years to come, as emerging technologies continue to transform the way we all seek medical advice.

In an article on the Manchester City Council website, Dr Sirfraz Hussain of Manchester’s Moss Side Family Practice describes how video calls are allowing his team to carry out medical appointments via webcam.

This is not intended to replace in-person appointments, but offers an accessible alternative for anyone who finds it difficult to travel to the surgery.

For example, that might not only include people with physical impairments, but also parents who are unable to arrange alternative care for their children.

And it is not just a gimmick – Dr Hussain’s team have also started using video calls internally, to speak to one another without having to move between rooms as often.

Further technological advances are likely to change the way doctors meet their patients even further – raising questions about accounting for doctors, particularly where pay is based on the number of appointments handled.

As these changes take place in the years to come, our specialist Manchester accountants will be ready to advise clients on how best to respond to them.

accounting for doctors

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