Medieval Adventure Day for RPG’s Grand Day Out 2024

Published on July 17, 2024 by RPG Chartered Accountants

There was much fun at the RPG Grand Day Out at Ruthin Castle where the castle grounds had been turned into a tournament field for the RPG Group Medieval Adventure Day.

On the tournament field festooned with decorative tents, flags and banners, colleagues were greeted by “Sir Josh” and his team of knights, swordsmen and infantrymen, all in authentic medieval dress.  The scene for the day was set!

Everyone was placed into one of 6 teams (blue, red, green, gold, white and black) and rotated between three medieval activity sessions; sword play & armour dressing; infantry spear drill; popinjay archery & axe throwing.

Under glorious blue skies, the activities were a great opportunity for everyone to try something different and have a fun afternoon.  It was also a chance to mingle and catch up with colleagues in an extraordinary setting.

At the end of the activities, each team’s champions demonstrated their skills with the Blue Team winning the tournament and being awarded medals.

This was followed by drinks on the Peacock Terrace with its magnificent population of peacocks, against the backdrop of the majestic Ruthin Castle which has a rich history dating back to the late 13th century.   Musical accompaniment was provided by our two troubadours who mingled amongst our group while playing medieval instruments.

The event concluded with a modern day dinner in a Castle chamber fully themed in medieval style, hosted by Sir Josh and with further entertainment from our troubadours.  This was another opportunity to catch up and relax with colleagues.

Jonathan Brownson, RPG Group Managing Director, explains “Our last couple of Grand Days Out have been at Haydock Park Race Course so it was the first time we have done something so active and with such a strong element of team building.  It was fantastic seeing everyone join in and how some of us were quite competitive, myself included! My team (the blue team, obviously!) won the tournament, which was a plus to an already great day”.

We would like to thank Ruthin Castle for their warm hospitality especially as we converted their grounds into a medieval tournament field for the day!

Massive thanks also to the whole team at Bright Vision Events who provided the skilled and experienced living historians who brought both the Castle and our tournament to life.  We were able to experience a taste of medieval combat skills in a very entertaining environment.

Special thanks to Copper House Events for bringing it all together!

The wellbeing of our people is at the heart of everything we do.  The RPG Grand Day Out is an opportunity for everyone within RPG Group including RPG Chartered Accountants, RPG Chartered Financial Planners, RPG Business Recovery and RPG Payroll Services to relax and enjoy some time together.

Scroll down for photos of the day! Many thanks to Justin Van Marle for the photographs.

Click here to see last year’s RPG Grand Day Out RPG’s Grand Day Out 2023 – RPG Chartered Accountants

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